
"Given the current problematic social media firms,

it would be so beneficial to New Zealand Mainstream Media & Local Advertisers to work with @bsky.app & sponsor a locally New Zealand Bluesky hosting service & just cut the companies formally known as Facebook & Twitter out of New Zealand market."

I've been following the development of BlueSky's AT protocol on Github & the back end.

Although it has only 1,244,697 current it has the potential for scaling beyond hundreds of millions if it can acquire a good enough income to pay for the servers & at a price per user & message below twitter if they are using newer server hardware.

If you read my above linked note you will find a rational for NZ to set up our own service federated with Bluesky through the same AT protocol.

I realise that currently New Zealand News Media is negotiating with big tech firms for a meagre share of the profits, but it could be so better for them to get together & take some control of their own digital future.

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Thanks very much Anne. I tend to like underdogs and of course Rupert is just a larrikin digger doing his best against the English establishment. Er...Michael, you're right, creates an impression and - as I meant to say in that piece and may go back and insert -- he regards anything he hears in any context as absolutely fair game. I partly like him because so many snooty journalists despise him and also wish they had been even half as successful. He is a card.

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A nice piece, Peter. I’m a Michael Wolff fan but not excessively worried about veracity (that would be folly in the Trump White House) - it was his gestural impression of the thing that mattered back then. So I’m relieved to find you hold him in high regard. My views of Murdoch are vastly less favourable than yours, thanks to the Leveson Inquiry and possibly too much inhalation of the Grauniad and Private Eye. Still, you make him sound interesting as well as venal, so I shall probably toddle off in his direction too, via your friend Mr Wolff. Grateful as ever for the insights!

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