My interest these days is how we rebuild society street by street, village by village, city by city, province by province, country by country. During my lifetime I have observed the big get bigger in every sector in the name of "efficiency". The small get swallowed up by the bigger and die inside the monster which "bought" them. I had a friend pose a question to me recently when he asked, "what part have I played in where the world has ended up right now?" I think that is a question which all of us have to consider. When we apply this question to the media are the solutions you are looking at examples of the old rot, or they something special and exciting would be my question. As somebody of an older generation I spend time with young people who haven't been tarnished by neo-liberalism thinking (yet) and I talk to them about the Commons, which exists everywhere. I have purchased a number of copies of a book published by the Schumacher Center for a New Economics by David Bollier called "The Commoner's Catalog for Changemaking" with a subtitle of "Tools for the transitions ahead". I wonder how many journalists are reading this?

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This was an extremely interesting read. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

Thank you for the Hunterbook story...makes me wonder if we could see them working with Bellingcat in the future. Figuring out how to make make more of an impact (not just monetary) with Bellingcat stories using Hunterbrook's approach might display some intriguing creativity.

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Interesting read about Vice Media - along with MySpace a bet that the Murdoch empire didn't win on.

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