Brilliant as ever, Peter. From what I have read, during the Second World War, even when forced into the Warsaw Ghetto, a significant proportion of Jews thought that fighting back was not the solution. They were genuinely pacific, citing "He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword." I can't help feeling that they were prescient. In my teens, I read a lot about Israel, although of course much of the fiction was almost propaganda, like Leon Uris's novels. Until this day I read about the Holocaust, still trying to understand the "banality of evil". I efficiently brainwashed myself into a pro-Israeli person. But no more. My unease has increased throughout this century and I am now simply appalled by Israel's savage and corrupt government, and that these dreadful people stay in power. It is possible to be a proud Jew without being a Zionist as I know from Jewish friends.

The ultimate irony is that there is no real difference between Jews and Palestinians. They eat the same food, they worship the same god - in different ways - and share the same prophets. They are both Semites. There weren't any Moslems when the Jews were "given" Palestine by their god, so why can't they accept this different sect? The whole thing is insane. And thousands and thousands of people are dying and suffering; and the planet weeps as we unload yet more destruction on to her.

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Nine years ago I read Ari Shavit's My Promised Land. My previous knowledge was pretty much limited to the happy kibbutz stories and the Leon Uris myth (like Annie). But in 2015 the book left me with a heavy sense of foreboding, as the 'Arab spring' was still in the air. I wondered what was next in Gaza, especially, as the Israeli government maintained such a stranglehold. Israel, now a pariah state, is reaping what it has sown. And so is the Western world, as we all continue live with the reverberations of colonialism in the Middle East.

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It’s fascinating to watch our descent into fascism. Tragic. Pathetic. Weak. Sad. But fascinating

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Dear Peter,

Thank you for your work.

Please check out US ambassador / foreign policy veteran Chad freeman’s take on the Iranian and Israeli positions https://youtu.be/jLai2YG4NRc?si=X3X9IvD29pZ75Hhe

Also, for an even more detailed (and Iranian) perspective https://youtu.be/jLai2YG4NRc?si=X3X9IvD29pZ75Hhe

Honestly, you’ve got to do better than Reuters as a source



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Israel is committing a genocide, on the back of 75 years of brutal oppression and apartheid. What’s ironic is that Germany is assisting them in committing this holocaust through supplying weapons to murder improvised (but dignified in comparison to Israelis) Palestinians, not to mention the duplicitous lies to cover for Israeli atrocities.

No doubt you would agree that Palestine, Iran, Yemen and Lebanon have the right to defend themselves as well.

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